Recognizable Logo

Tips for creating a logo that will help you uniquely brand

When creating a brand, you need to create not only a name that will be memorable, but also a bright logo. And it is the visual component that plays an important role, and this is the sign of recognition. For example, everyone knows what the Nike or Coca-Cola logo looks like. But you need to understand how to succeed.

Smart color choice

Many experts say that this is the main point that deserves attention. A good logo is versatile and there are no rules about color. But you need to know that there are rules for combining colors. Everything needs to be done so that the colors complement each other and attract attention. Ikea is the best example.

When choosing a color palette, you should pay attention to the environment.

Audience research

Of course, each company has its own target audience. In some cases, there may be coincidences, because the company provides an extensive list of goods or services. But most often the company is still different, so this should be taken into account when working on the logo. For example, Disney is a company that knows its audience very well, as it is families with children.

When working, it is best to look for insights and take this into account during research. Even a simple question can be confusing. For example, what can unite a child with an elderly man in a premium Mercedes. Everything is very simple – love for brands.

 Create a Recognizable Logo

No extra details needed

For example, Microsoft is a multi-million dollar company, but the logo has only 4 squares that form a window. You don’t need to set any limits, you can experiment, but it doesn’t cost anything to overload.

The key to creating a quality logo is a fundamental human truth.


You don’t need to copy anything. It’s just not the best attempt at plagiarism, which can end up in court.

No need to copy someone, it is important to be yourself.

Beautiful legend

Often there is a story behind a particular logo. For example, Dali did not like children, but created the Chupa Chups. Even if there is simply no story, it can be invented. People often love beautiful legends.

Here you need to answer a simple question for yourself, what do you want to get from this? What is the purpose of the enterprise, and now we are not talking about the financial component.