Trends in app

Trends in mobile app design

Trends are always changing, but there are ideas that, after minor tweaks, can be reused. And the best solutions are those that work for both the business and the user. What should we expect in the future?

Minimalism and simplicity

Simple and straightforward design will always be relevant for a smartphone, especially given its small size. But lately, it is becoming apparent that users appreciate minimalistic interfaces. This is due to the fact that it becomes much easier to perceive content and the application performs all its functions much better.

Dark and contrasting design

Lately, practice shows that it is the dark mode that is the most popular. The idea is very simple, as it reduces the strain on the eyes.

As for the light elements, they look great on a black background and everything is perfectly visible. This design is stylish and elegant, you can say it’s a classic.

Functional 3D

3D has been around for a long time, especially in the e-commerce industry. But the role of 3D is constantly changing, and it is now essential not only to impress the user, but to make all the elements interactive.

It’s not just about presenting products from different angles, it’s about helping the user to customize the way they work with the 3D image. There is absolutely no doubt that 3D will be in demand and the functionality will only grow.

Fresh trends in mobile app design


In this case, the user will feel that the content was developed with personal preferences in mind. The popularity of this trend is only growing.

Data visualization

Today, just like years ago, the transformation of graphs, numbers and facts is an issue that deserves attention. And the trend will work regardless of the type of business, so don’t write it off.

Unique images

Lately, illustrations are starting to interest the user again, especially if they are unique and unusual. In this way, you can form your own brand image and stand out from the many competitors.  Thanks to illustrations, the content will be perceived much better, it will become more beautiful and human, and this is something every user likes.

Maximum interaction

A modern interface is almost always focused on personal, almost intimate contact. So a number of points are worth paying attention to:

  1. Interactive video. Now this technique is used in numerous spheres, and in the future, they can be found in almost all applications.
  2. Emotional design will always be in demand. Thanks to it any image will become personalized, and the user will really want to interact.
  3. Gamification and animation. All this greatly simplifies the interaction with the interface, as well as increase user engagement. That is what explains the prevalence of the method.