destroy a brand

How to destroy a brand?

Social media can challenge any brand. And there are many people who are always ready to simply destroy you. For example, any ill-considered post can destroy everything in an instant and ruin a digital reputation.

It’s important to note that personal branding is based on aspects such as:

  1. Strategy.
  2. Consistency.
  3. Practicality.
  4. Creativity.

These are really important and necessary; they are indispensable aids to creating a unique image. But it takes a lot of time to maintain a personal brand, but when a certain aspect is weak, you can lose everything.

Social media

There are many excuses for not getting to work on time, for example the game was too interesting or it was a fun night out. A personal brand is about responsibility and work. Of course, there should be free time, but it should not be allowed to interfere with work and online presence. Many people like to follow the lives of others, and building an audience for the brand will help increase the impact on the company.

Values not defined

Before creating a personal brand, you need to think things through. First and foremost are the values communicated to people. If everything is not calculated, the brand will die before it is even born.

Why should people follow you? What can they get out of it? What kind of experience can you offer? The questions are quite complex, but if you find the answer, things will normalise. It’s important just to avoid misrepresentation, as branding is a deliberate and strategic demonstration of the personal self.

How to Keep the Customer and Not Destroy the Brand


If one does not know his own values, how can he help others? In order for the user to really believe and follow the brand, you need to be accurate in your own statements. But if you do something that is out of character, the subscriber may simply give up.

Ignorance of the audience

Is it possible to portray your own followers? That is, people who are interested in the experience? Those who are interested in the product? If the answer is yes, then the brand can thrive, otherwise you need to go and learn. It is important to connect with your own audience and speak to them in their language.

Inconsistent outreach to the audience

If the brand is working great and there are active followers, they follow the core principles and values and most importantly trust? That’s really cool. You need to keep going in the direction you’ve set out to go. But you should always think about other people, as they expect a certain pattern of behaviour.

If you are a provocative artist, you can do something really crazy. If the image is of a serious person, you have to be reliable and responsible. Strong brands always live up to their promises.

The opinion of others should not influence you

Of course, you have to keep in mind that you have to not only decide, but also do. And you don’t have to be afraid of other people’s opinions, otherwise the brand may die.  You don’t have to play with the audience as it is felt.

You have to consider the opinion of experts

When creating a personal brand, you can say that you are an expert too. But when it comes to competence, you need to listen to others and trust them. You don’t have to try to control everything. Are there points where you can do without help? Fine, but in another case it is worth asking for support.