How to Keep a Customer in Difficult Situations

How to deal with difficult customers

Of course, everyone faces competition sooner or later, especially if they are in business.  But there are competitors almost everywhere; at any moment they may appear nearby.

In any situation, you cannot do without competition, especially when promoting products on the Internet. Brands regularly increase their budgets for SEO, contextual advertising and other marketing methods. This is why young projects cannot get to the top of search engines.

Everyone takes advantage of almost every opportunity on the web as he or she sees fit. More than once, there are cases where a customer chooses a knowingly worse offer, which is quite difficult to explain in terms of classical marketing. In general, you need to know some tricks to get rid of a competitor.

Always be honest

Publicity and openness will always be an advantage over a competitor. You should always discuss all the arguments against it, but you should never make excuses. You have to present the problem from all sides.

And for the client, you have to find a positive in the situation. For example, large insurers often hear about delays in payments.  But the management make arguments as to why this cannot be resolved in the shortest possible time.

Passive-aggressive approach

This option has proven to be excellent in situations where competitors attacking a business are well known to the consumer. You can point out on a social networking site or blog that a detractor is spreading false information about a business. The audience should understand that the actions are related to the competitor’s difficulties.

There is no need to give specific names or titles. The customer should figure it out for themselves.

Tips for Working with Customers

Use of direct comparisons

This approach allows you to highlight your own strengths, for example, you can compare the price of your products with those of your competitors. Well, all information should be accompanied by supporting data. There are a number of data, which no customer will pass by.

Publication of examples

The target audience should be told how to solve their own problems. The consumer who has not been helped by a competitor should be the focus of attention. But the focus should be on service and bad experiences should be mentioned in passing, when dealing with other brands.

The names of competitors should not be divulged, so that there are no accusations of defamation. After all, litigation may follow in the future. But a hint is the right thing to do, which will enable the customer to understand where not to wait for quality service.


You need to do things differently. For example, if a competitor is dumping, you need to keep the cost and convey to the customer the features of the products on offer.

If you use this method, you can knock the ground out from under the feet of the detractor. There simply won’t be an excuse for criticism, at the very least. There will be no time to simply attack the business, which is also extremely important.